Franciely da Silva Ponce | Agronomic | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Franciely  da Silva Ponce |  Agronomic |  Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr at  Universidade Paranaense,  Brazil

Franciely da Silva Ponce is a full professor in the Agronomic Engineering course at Paranaense University (UNIPAR) and a faculty member of the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture. She holds a Ph.D. in Agronomy (Horticulture) from São Paulo State University (UNESP), where her research focused on the integrated management of Lepidoptera pests in brassicas using Trichogramma pretiosum. Franciely completed her Master’s degree in Environment and Agricultural Production Systems at the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), focusing on the environmental and economic aspects of cabbage cultivation. Her undergraduate degree in Agronomy was also obtained from UNEMAT, where she researched the propagation of Byrsonima cydoniifolia. She has additional training in plant biochemistry and cultural management. Her research interests include tropical horticulture, vegetable production, pest management, and integrated pest management. Franciely has been involved in various research and extension activities, including technology transfer in vegetable production and teaching at multiple institutions.


Academic Background:

🎓 PhD in Agronomy (Horticulture)
São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil
Title: Integrated Management of Lepidoptera Pests in Brassicas Using Trichogramma pretiosum Riley
Year: 2021

🎓 Master’s in Environment and Agricultural Production Systems
State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Brazil
Title: Environmental, Productive and Profitability Analysis of Cabbage Cultivation
Year: 2018

🎓 Degree in Agronomy
Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT), Brazil
Title: Feasibility of Using Cuttings and Indolbutyric Acid in the Propagation of Murici
Year: 2015

Current Positions:

👩‍🏫 Full Professor
Paranaense University (UNIPAR), Brazil

  • Agronomic Engineering Course
  • Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture

Research Interests:

🌿 Tropical Horticulture

  • Horticulture and Society
  • Management and Production of Vegetable Species
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Protected Cultivation
  • Non-Conventional Vegetables
  • Post-Harvest Vegetables
  • Cost and Profitability of Vegetable Production

Professional Experience:

  • Scholarship Holder, Research Fellow
    Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT)

    • Vegetable Cultivation in Protected Environments
  • Guest Professor
    Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT)

    • Production and Quality of Vegetables (Master’s course)

Publication Top Notes:

  • Melon Cultivation Under Agrotextile Increases Production and Reduces Phytosanitary Products
  • Profitability and Efficiency of Conduction Systems and Optimal Tomato Density for Fresh Consumption
  • Desafios e Perspectivas do Manejo da Traça-do-Tomateiro
  • Do the Training System and Spacing Affect the Productivity and Quality of Tomato Plants?
  • Adubação Silicatada na Produtividade e Respostas Fisiológicas das Plantas
  • Effect of Polycarbonate and Agricultural Film on Production and Biochemical Compounds of Tomato Fruits
  • Produtividade, Custo e Rentabilidade de Couve Produzida Sob Túnel Baixo
  • Does the Physiological Trade-Off Between Reproduction and Defense Affect the Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Tomato Plants Infested with Bemisia tabaci MED and MEAM1?
  • Dispersão de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) em Cultivos de Couve e Repolho
  • Teores de Macro e Micronutrientes em Plantas de Jambu Cultivadas em Ambiente Protegido
  • Controle Cultural de Nematoides em Alface, Utilizando Cobertura de Solo e Consórcio com Cravo-de-Defunto
  • Curva de Absorção de Água em Sementes de Sete Cascas em Função do Tamanho
  • Produção e Qualidade de Melão Amarelo Submetido a Diferentes Sistemas de Plantio
  • Viabilidade Agroeconômica do Cultivo de Híbridos Tomateiro de Hábito Determinado no Período de Safra e Entressafra na Região Central Matogrossense
  • Viabilidade do Uso de Estacas e Ácido Indolbutírico na Propagação de Murici (Byrsonima cydoniifolia A. Juss.)
  • Produção de Cultivares de Almeirão Sob Diferentes Telados e Campo Aberto em Clima Tropical
  • Curva de Absorção de Nutrientes em Jambu (Spilanthes oleracea L.), Cultivado em Sistema Hidropônico
  • Índices Morfofisiológicos de Alface Produzidas em Diferentes Substratos Sob Ambiente Protegido


Anup Kumar Mandal | Post harvest loss | Best Researcher Award

Dr Anup Kumar Mandal |  Post harvest loss |  Best Researcher Award

Professor at  Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali,  Bangladesh

Dr. Anup Kumar Mandal is a Professor at the Department of Economics and Sociology, Faculty of Business Administration, Patuakhali Science and Technology University in Bangladesh. Born on February 2, 1983, he completed his PhD in Agricultural Economics from Patuakhali Science and Technology University in 2023. Dr. Mandal holds an MSc in Agricultural Economics (Marketing) from Bangladesh Agricultural University (2006) and a BSc in Agricultural Economics (Hons.) from the same institution (2004). He has been a Professor at PSTU since 2012.



  • PhD in Agricultural Economics (2023) – Patuakhali Science and Technology University
  • MSc in Agricultural Economics (Marketing) (2006) – Bangladesh Agricultural University
  • BSc in Agricultural Economics (Hons.) (2004) – Bangladesh Agricultural University

Professional Experience:

  • Professor (2012–Present), Department of Economics and Sociology, Patuakhali Science and Technology University

Research Focus:

Dr. Mandal’s research includes supply chain analysis, value chain assessment, and post-harvest loss in agriculture and fisheries. His work spans topics such as milk market dynamics, fish value chains, and crop profitability.

Publication Top Notes:

  • “Prospects and Challenges of Yellow Flesh Pangasius in International Markets: Secondary and Primary Evidence from Bangladesh”
    Authors: Hoque, M.S., Haque, M.M., Nielsen, M., Badiuzzaman, Rahman, M.T., Hossain, M.
    Journal: Heliyon
    Volume: 14
    Year: 2021
  • “Value Chain Analysis of Dry Fish Marketing in Coastal Belt of Bangladesh”
    Author: AK Mandal
    Journal: International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
    Volume: 9 (4)
    Pages: 217-222
    Year: 2021
  • “Supply Chain Analysis of Mud Crab (Scylla Serrata) in Bangladesh”
    Authors: H Bain, AK Mandal
    Journal: International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
    Volume: 5 (1)
    Pages: 302-305
    Year: 2017
  • “Existing Value Chain Assessment of Mungbean Marketing in Selected Areas of Bangladesh”
    Authors: IMM Mandal, AK, Khan, M.A., Alamgir, M.S., Hoq, M.S., Kundu, N.D.
    Journal: Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Volume: 19 (4)
    Pages: 521-527
    Year: 2021
  • “Supply Chain Analysis of Wholesale Milk Market in Selected Areas of Dhaka District”
    Authors: AK Mandal, A Islam, SK Raha
    Journal: Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Volume: 6 (1)
    Pages: 205-213
    Year: 2008
  • “First Service Influencing Factors for Pregnancy Rate in Dairy Cows of Bangladesh”
    Authors: AK Paul, AK Mandal, MMR Chowdhury, PK Mitra, MA Samad, AA Maruf, …
    Journal: International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences
    Volume: 2 (3)
    Pages: 64-69
    Year: 2015
  • “Hedonic Price Analysis for Hog Plum Purchase Decision in Southern Part of Bangladesh”
    Authors: MAK Hossain, A., Hoq, M.S.
    Journal: Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research
    Volume: 46 (1)
    Pages: 107-116
    Year: 2021
  • “Value Addition Analysis of Participants of Wholesale Milk Market in Selected Areas of Dhaka District”
    Authors: AK Mandal, Badiuzzaman, SK Raha
    Journal: Patuakhali Science and Technology University
    Volume: 4 (2)
    Pages: 21-27
    Year: 2013
  • “Factors Influencing Brand Switching in Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh”
    Author: AK Mandal
    Journal: World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
    Volume: 21 (3)
    Pages: 1779-1788
    Year: 2024
  • “Post-Harvest Losses and Marketing Performance Analysis of Dry Chili Marketing in Selected Areas of Bangladesh”
    Authors: AK Mandal, MS Hoq
    Journal: Patuakhali Science and Technology University
    Volume: 9 (1 & 2)
    Pages: 179-184
    Year: 2018
  • “Determinants of Watching a Film: A Case Study on Dhallywood Film Industry, Bangladesh”
    Authors: MF Easmin, A Hossain, AK Mandal
    Journal: [Journal Name]
    Volume: [Volume]
    Pages: [Pages]
    Year: 2014
  • “Post-Harvest Losses in Marine Fisheries of Bangladesh”
    Authors: AK Mandal, MMO Rashid, MSK Sarkar, Badiuzzaman, MT Rahaman
    Journal: Heliyon
    Volume: 10
    Year: 2024
  • “Quantitative and Qualitative Post-Harvest Loss of Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha)”
    Authors: AK Mandal, S Roy, PP Majumder, MS Hoque
    Journal: [Journal Name]
    Volume: [Volume]
    Pages: [Pages]
    Year: 2024
  • “Performance Evaluation and Ratio Analysis of Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh”
    Author: AK Mandal
    Journal: Journal of Patuakhali Science and Technology University
    Volume: 11 (1)
    Pages: 131-143
    Year: 2021
  • “Mud Crab (Scylla Serrata) Value Addition Analysis of Different Actors in Bangladesh”
    Authors: SMAAMS Bain, H, Mandal, AK, Islam, MM
    Journal: American Journal of Agricultural Science, Engineering and Technology
    Volume: 5 (2)
    Pages: 275-289
    Year: 2021
  • “Customer Decision for Choosing a Restaurant: A Study on Khulna City”
    Author: AK Mandal
    Journal: Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing
    Volume: 21 (Issue 3)
    Year: 2021
  • “Principles of Economics”
    Authors: MM Hossain, ATMR Haque, AK Mandal
    Year: 2017
  • “Existing Value Chain Assessment of Dry Chilli Marketing in Selected Areas of Bangladesh”
    Authors: MS Hoq, AK Mandal, A Hossain
    Journal: Journal of Patuakhali Science and Technology University
    Volume: 8 (1)
    Pages: 71-78
    Year: 2017
  • “Value Added Analysis of Different Street Hawkers in Selected Areas of Barisal Division in Bangladesh”
    Authors: AK Ghosh, AK Mandal, Badiuzzaman
    Journal: Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
    Volume: 3 (12)
    Pages: 272-291
    Year: 2017
  • “Impacts of PSTU One Stop Service on the Farmer’s Socio-Economic Condition in Dumki Upazila Under Patuakhali”
    Authors: Badiuzzaman, MM Hossain, MSK Sarkar, AK Mandal, A Hossain
    Journal: Patuakhali Science and Technology University
    Volume: 6 (1)
    Pages: 1-11
    Year: 2015


Yeongmi Jang | Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Dr Yeongmi Jang |  Agriculture |  Best Researcher Award

PhD at  Chungnam National University, South Korea

Yeongmi Jang is a PhD candidate in the Department of Crop Science at Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea, expecting to complete her degree in August. Her research focuses on Ecology, and she has contributed to various scientific journals, including MDPI publications such as Plants, Agronomy, and Agriculture. Although she has not yet accrued professional work experience, her scholarly efforts have earned her a citation index of 19. Yeongmi is in the process of developing her professional network and contributions, with no current consultancy, publications, or patents to her name.


Academic Background:

Yeongmi Jang will complete a PhD in August from Chungnam National University, focusing on Ecology. Although Yeongmi does not have work experience yet, their academic journey promises future contributions to the field.

Research Focus:

Yeongmi Jang’s research in agriculture predominantly explores the effects of environmental stressors and agronomic practices on crop growth and physiology. Key areas of investigation include the impact of long-term salinity stress on mono and mixed crops, and the role of magnesium and calcium sulfate in mitigating such stress in forage crops. Jang has also contributed to understanding the effects of planting density and nitrogen fertilization on forage rice growth in both reclaimed and conventional paddy fields. Additionally, their research addresses the optimal harvest times for maximizing forage value and yield of winter crops and forage rice in South Korea. This work aims to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability in challenging environmental conditions.

Publication Top Notes:

1. Evaluating the Effects of Long-Term Salinity Stress on the Growth and Physiology of Mono and Mixed Crops
Journal: Agronomy
Date: 2024-01-27
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy14020287
Contributors: Khulan Sharavdorj; Ser-Oddamba Byambadorj; Yeongmi Jang; Youngjik Ahn; Jin-Woong Cho

2. Effects of Planting Density and Nitrogen Fertilization on the Growth of Forage Rice in Reclaimed and General Paddy Fields
Journal: Plants
Date: 2023-12-19
DOI: 10.3390/plants13010013
Contributors: Yeongmi Jang; Khulan Sharavdorj; Youngjik Ahn; Jinwoong Cho

3. Effects of Planting Density and Nitrogen Fertilization on the Growth of Forage Rice in Reclaimed and General Paddy Fields
Date: 2023-11-08
Preprint DOI: 10.20944/preprints202311.0454.v1
Contributors: Yeongmi Jang; Khulan Sharavdorj; Youngjik Ahn; Jinwoong Cho

4. Application of Magnesium and Calcium Sulfate on Growth and Physiology of Forage Crops under Long-Term Salinity Stress
Journal: Plants
Date: 2022-12-18
DOI: 10.3390/plants11243576
Contributors: Khulan Sharavdorj; Ser-Oddamba Byambadorj; Yeongmi Jang; Jin-Woong Cho

5. Growth and Forage Value of Two Forage Rice Cultivars According to Harvest Time in Reclaimed Land of South Korea
Journal: Agronomy
Date: 2022-12-08
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy12123118
Contributors: Yeongmi Jang; Khulan Sharavdorj; Priscilla Nadalin; Suhwan Lee; Jinwoong Cho

6. Effects of Harvest Time on the Yield and Forage Value of Winter Forage Crops in Reclaimed Lands of Korea
Journal: Agriculture
Date: 2022-06-09
DOI: 10.3390/agriculture12060830
Contributors: Yeongmi Jang; Bumsik Choi; Khulan Sharavdorj; Suhwan Lee; Jinwoong Cho