Franciely da Silva Ponce | Agronomic | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Franciely  da Silva Ponce |  Agronomic |  Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr at  Universidade Paranaense,  Brazil

Franciely da Silva Ponce is a full professor in the Agronomic Engineering course at Paranaense University (UNIPAR) and a faculty member of the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture. She holds a Ph.D. in Agronomy (Horticulture) from São Paulo State University (UNESP), where her research focused on the integrated management of Lepidoptera pests in brassicas using Trichogramma pretiosum. Franciely completed her Master’s degree in Environment and Agricultural Production Systems at the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), focusing on the environmental and economic aspects of cabbage cultivation. Her undergraduate degree in Agronomy was also obtained from UNEMAT, where she researched the propagation of Byrsonima cydoniifolia. She has additional training in plant biochemistry and cultural management. Her research interests include tropical horticulture, vegetable production, pest management, and integrated pest management. Franciely has been involved in various research and extension activities, including technology transfer in vegetable production and teaching at multiple institutions.


Academic Background:

🎓 PhD in Agronomy (Horticulture)
São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil
Title: Integrated Management of Lepidoptera Pests in Brassicas Using Trichogramma pretiosum Riley
Year: 2021

🎓 Master’s in Environment and Agricultural Production Systems
State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Brazil
Title: Environmental, Productive and Profitability Analysis of Cabbage Cultivation
Year: 2018

🎓 Degree in Agronomy
Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT), Brazil
Title: Feasibility of Using Cuttings and Indolbutyric Acid in the Propagation of Murici
Year: 2015

Current Positions:

👩‍🏫 Full Professor
Paranaense University (UNIPAR), Brazil

  • Agronomic Engineering Course
  • Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture

Research Interests:

🌿 Tropical Horticulture

  • Horticulture and Society
  • Management and Production of Vegetable Species
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Protected Cultivation
  • Non-Conventional Vegetables
  • Post-Harvest Vegetables
  • Cost and Profitability of Vegetable Production

Professional Experience:

  • Scholarship Holder, Research Fellow
    Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT)

    • Vegetable Cultivation in Protected Environments
  • Guest Professor
    Mato Grosso State University (UNEMAT)

    • Production and Quality of Vegetables (Master’s course)

Publication Top Notes:

  • Melon Cultivation Under Agrotextile Increases Production and Reduces Phytosanitary Products
  • Profitability and Efficiency of Conduction Systems and Optimal Tomato Density for Fresh Consumption
  • Desafios e Perspectivas do Manejo da Traça-do-Tomateiro
  • Do the Training System and Spacing Affect the Productivity and Quality of Tomato Plants?
  • Adubação Silicatada na Produtividade e Respostas Fisiológicas das Plantas
  • Effect of Polycarbonate and Agricultural Film on Production and Biochemical Compounds of Tomato Fruits
  • Produtividade, Custo e Rentabilidade de Couve Produzida Sob Túnel Baixo
  • Does the Physiological Trade-Off Between Reproduction and Defense Affect the Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Tomato Plants Infested with Bemisia tabaci MED and MEAM1?
  • Dispersão de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) em Cultivos de Couve e Repolho
  • Teores de Macro e Micronutrientes em Plantas de Jambu Cultivadas em Ambiente Protegido
  • Controle Cultural de Nematoides em Alface, Utilizando Cobertura de Solo e Consórcio com Cravo-de-Defunto
  • Curva de Absorção de Água em Sementes de Sete Cascas em Função do Tamanho
  • Produção e Qualidade de Melão Amarelo Submetido a Diferentes Sistemas de Plantio
  • Viabilidade Agroeconômica do Cultivo de Híbridos Tomateiro de Hábito Determinado no Período de Safra e Entressafra na Região Central Matogrossense
  • Viabilidade do Uso de Estacas e Ácido Indolbutírico na Propagação de Murici (Byrsonima cydoniifolia A. Juss.)
  • Produção de Cultivares de Almeirão Sob Diferentes Telados e Campo Aberto em Clima Tropical
  • Curva de Absorção de Nutrientes em Jambu (Spilanthes oleracea L.), Cultivado em Sistema Hidropônico
  • Índices Morfofisiológicos de Alface Produzidas em Diferentes Substratos Sob Ambiente Protegido


Alexander Mbiro | Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Mr Alexander Mbiro |  Agriculture |  Best Researcher Award

Senior Entomologist at  Buvuma District Local Government, Uganda

Mbiro Alexander, born on 13th September 1980 in Uganda, is a seasoned professional in agriculture, entomology, and environmental conservation. He holds a Master’s degree in Nematology from Ghent University, Belgium, specializing in agro-nematology, and a Bachelor’s degree in Entomology from Makerere University. Additionally, he completed a Diploma in Fish Processing from the Fisheries Training Institute in Entebbe.


Work Experiences:

Senior Entomologist, Buvuma District Local Government . Agricultural Advisory Service Provider – Fisheries, NAADS. Field Assistant, Sustainable Use of Plant Diversity (SUPD)

Research Experiences and Presentations:

MSc in Nematology from Ghent University. Bachelor’s in Entomology from Makerere University. Diploma in Fish Processing from Fisheries Training Institute, Entebbe

Areas of Expertise:

  • Agriculture and Entomology
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
  • Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection
  • Proposal Writing and Project Implementation
  • Policy Tracking in Agriculture and Environmental Sectors

Research Focus Agriculture:

Mbiro Alexander, a dedicated Ugandan researcher, specializes in agricultural sciences with a keen focus on sustainable practices and biodiversity conservation. His expertise spans across several key areas:

  1. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Alexander has conducted extensive research in IPM strategies, particularly in managing crop pests and insect vectors. His work emphasizes ecological approaches to minimize pesticide use and enhance crop productivity.
  2. Nematology: With a Master’s degree in Nematology from Ghent University, Alexander has expertise in nematode management strategies. His research explores the interactions between nematodes and host plants, focusing on sustainable farming techniques.
  3. Crop Diversity and Resilience: He is actively involved in researching the use of cover crops and green manures to improve soil health and suppress plant-parasitic nematodes. Alexander investigates the role of crop diversity in enhancing agricultural resilience against climate change impacts.
  4. Community-based Agriculture Initiatives: As a Senior Entomologist in Buvuma District, Alexander leads initiatives in promoting beekeeping and sericulture among local communities. He integrates these practices with agricultural advisory services to foster sustainable livelihoods and environmental conservation.
  5. Policy Advocacy: Alexander tracks and analyzes government and international policies related to agriculture and environmental protection. He actively participates in forums aimed at enhancing policy frameworks that support resilient farming practices and biodiversity conservation.

Alexander’s research and practical contributions underscore his commitment to advancing agricultural sustainability and community resilience in Uganda and beyond. His holistic approach integrates scientific expertise with community engagement to address contemporary challenges in agriculture and environmental management.